Whichever way you feed your baby, we will support you to make the most of this important time together. Feeding a baby is so much more than providing food. It is a time to enjoy closeness, warmth and love as you both get to know each other. By keeping your baby close and watching what your baby does, you will be able to recognise and respond to comfort their needs for security and food.

You will be given ‘A mothers and others guide to feeding and caring for your new baby’.

Please read this booklet and take it to all your antenatal appointments and into hospital when you have your baby. You will have opportunities to discuss feeding and caring for your baby with your midwife (and others) during your pregnancy.

Getting to know your baby before birth

  • Imagine what it is like for your baby in the womb
  • Talk to your baby
  • Play music and see how your baby reacts
  • Gently stroke your stomach when your baby kicks.

Meeting your baby at birth

Holding your baby in skin to skin contact after the birth will encourage a surge of hormones, which will help you to form a bond with your baby.

Responding to your baby’s needs

  • Babies need to feel secure and safe
  • It is not good for babies to be left to cry and you cannot spoil your baby by responding to their needs for protection, closeness, comfort, love and food. This will encourage healthy brain development
  • You will be able to respond to your baby’s needs for comfort and feeding if you keep your baby close, making life easier.


  • Consider what your feelings and expectations are about breastfeeding
  • Breastfeeding is about protection, comfort and food
  • Breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed your baby
  • If you are unsure about feeding, you do not need to make a decision until your baby is born and you will be offered help and support.

Infant Feeding Resources

A range of really useful videos to support new parents in the early days after the birth:


The Equality Act 2010 says that it is discrimination to treat a person unfavourably because they are breastfeeding. It applies to anyone providing services, benefits, facilities and premises to the public, public bodies, further and higher education bodies and association. Service providers include most organisations that deal directly with the public. Service providers must not discriminate, harass or victimise that person because they are breastfeeding. Discrimination includes refusing to provide a service, providing a lower standard of service or providing a service on different terms. Therefore, a cafe owner cannot ask you to stop breastfeeding or refuse to serve you.

We have a range of information videos available which can be accessed by clicking here. We also have information leaflets on a range of issues relating to pregnancy and birth. Popular leaflets for infant feeding can be found below. We add resources all the time so please pop back and check at any time.